Intercultural Link
Über die Rolle der Designer/innen in sozialen Projekten
What problems faces an Expert Designer in the elaboration and execution of socially oriented (design) projects?
The world is changing fundamentally and so does design. As one of the most flexible disciplines, it demonstrates just in times of crisis its most innovative potential. Against the backdrop of economic and resource-related discussions as well as supported by the Connectivity and New Work trends—which also includes the theme of Meaningful Jobs—Social Design has developed into a promising wicked problems solver. But what problems faces an Expert Designer in the development and execution of socially oriented (design) projects? Using auto ethnographic and participatory methods, I went to Mexico to look for practices and to collect in field observations as well as experiences. The analyzed knowledge, complemented by a specially developed toolkit—that is accessible and producible by anyone—prepares Social Expert Designers for upcoming projects, sensitizes on central issues and assists in the field.