«12 – für Demenz»
Du bist nicht meine Mutter!
Which methods and strategies can support relatives of dementia patients, and how can they be applied in everyday life?
People are getting older. Age-related diseases include Alzheimer’s and dementia. Within 20 years, every 8th person over the age of 65 will develop a form of dementia. This paper examines the potential of methods and processes currently used by the relatives of dementia sufferers to improve their own lives. New caregivers often underestimate themselves and their ability to cope with the conditions with which they are faced, leading to difficulties in, for example, dealing with the sick or coping with being overwhelmed by an unfamiliar situation. The platform and the kit «12 - for dementia» deals with everyday strategies for relatives of dementia patients and offers various proven options for solving or dealing with typical problems in order to make life with a chronically ill relative easier.