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5m2 Collective

5m2 ist ein Kollektiv von Kreativschaffenden in Zürich. Es fungiert als Plattform, um Personen, die fest in der Kreativszene verankert sind, mit jenen in Verbindung zu setzen, die noch nicht Fuss gefasst haben. Raum für kreative Freiheit zu finden, kann eine Herausforderung sein. Einmal gefunden, können sich daraus aber unzählige Möglichkeiten ergeben. Wer sich Zugang zu solchen Orten und der damit verbundenen Szene verschaffen kann, gelangt schneller an das Wissen um bestimmte Projekte, Orte und Möglichkeiten, die sonst schwer zu finden sind. Manchen fällt das leichter als anderen. Besonders für Menschen in prekären oder marginalisierten Lebensrealitäten bleiben diese Art von Zugang meist verschlossen. Das 5m2 Kollektiv will diese unsichtbaren und doch spürbaren Wände durchbrechen, indem es unterschiedliche Netzwerke miteinander verknüpft. Ziel ist es, einen Raum für Solidarität und Unterstützung zu schaffen, der Fragen über Zugänglichkeit und Privilegien aufwirft.
Das Kollektiv entwickelte sich aus dem Bedürfnis heraus, gestalterisch und interaktiv auf die aktuellen globalen humanitären Krisen zu reagieren. Nach umfangreichen Recherchen wurde klar, dass die eigene Position und der Zugang zur Kreativszene genutzt werden kann, um die Zugänglichkeit für andere zu erleichtern. Somit wurde eine Support Structure* entworfen, die eine niedrigschwellige Nutzung von Räumen ermöglicht und das Wissen um Projekte vermittelt, die ansonsten verborgen bleiben würden.

5m2 is a collective of creative people in Zurich. It functions as a platform that connects people with a strong foothold in the creative scene with ones who don’t. Finding space for creative freedom can be challenging. But once acquired, it opens infinite possibilities. Like-minded people are drawn in, generating otherwise hard-to-come-by access to projects, spaces, and options. For some, finding access to those places comes easier than for others. Especially for people in precarious or marginalized situations, this kind of access often stays hidden. By tapping into different networks, we want to break down these invisible yet tangible walls. The goal is to generate a space for solidarity and support, raising questions about accessibility and privilege.
The collective originated out of an urge to react to the current global humanitarian crises in a designedly and interactive way. After extensive research we realized that the best way to do this was to use our standing and access within the creative scene to facilitate accessibility. As a result, we designed a support structure* that generates low threshold use of space that is otherwise left unused.

*Based on Céline Condorellis definition: Support Structures is a manual for what bears, sustains, and props, for those things that encourage, care for, and assist; for that which advocates, articulates; for what stands behind, frames, and maintains: it is a manual for those things that give support. While the work of supporting might traditionally appear as subsequent, unessential, and lacking value in itself, this manual is an attempt to restore attention to one of the neglected, yet crucial modes through which we apprehend and shape the world.

Studio Space shot by Nicole Hirschi
Studio Space shot by Nicole Hirschi

Finding a studio space can be extremely tricky – especially as a person exposed to structural injustices*. By offering to share a space free of charge, a person with access could help someone without follow their own artistic practice. Providing space through the collective calls forth an openness for other realities and raises an awareness of one’s responsibilities as a person with access.
*Structural injustices are the marginalization and the disadvantages imposed on certain groups of people due to embedded discriminatory practices. These show up as racism, ableism, homophobia, classism, and structural poverty.

Projects shot by Lucy Fabian & Nicole Hirschi
Projects shot by Lucy Fabian & Nicole Hirschi

A major part of the artistic practice runs through collaborative projects or open calls, showing one’s work to a broader audience. Here, the same concept of accessibility applies: Those who know of certain places, events or institutions are more likely to be exhibited. If that knowledge isn’t shared, it stays isolated.
Individuals can apply to open calls or projects in the name of the 5m2 Collective to gain access to specific projects. In a further step this access can be shared with other members of the collective, opening doors and enabling new possibilities.

Stammtisch shot by Daniel Holler
Stammtisch shot by Daniel Holler

We believe there is power in collectivity. That is why there will be a monthly round table. There, ideas can be shared, projects pitched, and concepts of space discussed. This get-together functions as a tool to strengthen our network and connect people.