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Eine hoffnungsvolle Dystopie

Im Kapitalozän hat der wirtschaftliche Wachstumsfetisch eine Kultur des ständigen Konsums, der Akkumulation und der Ausbeutung geschaffen.
Regrowth erforscht den Gegentrend Degrowth, eine Bewegung, die für einen reduzierten Konsum und «Unlearning» als Mittel zum Fortschritt plädiert. Diese Trendforschung analysiert Erkenntnisse und «Slow Shifts» und untersucht gleichzeitig die verschiedenen Emotionen, welche Degrowth hervorruft.
Die Videoinstallation verwendet eine redaktionelle Modeästhetik als Camouflage für den Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs. Sie bewegt sich auf dem Spektrum von Dystopie und Hoffnung, den gemischten Gefühlen, welche Degrowth umgeben, und übersetzt diese in eine Aktion für Optimismus.
Als ein von einer Designerin und Aktivistin kuratiertes Projekt stellt Regrowth ein empathisches Manifest dar, das ein theoretisches Thema in den Wunsch nach einer blühenden Welt umwandeln will: «Degrowth is Regrowth». Die Arbeitskleidung steht für eine optimistische Sichtweise, eine Metapher dafür, sich «in die Schuhe eines anderen zu versetzen», während die immersive Videoinstallation eine Veränderung der Denkweise von dystopisch zu hoffnungsvoll darstellt.

In the Capitalocene, the economic growth fetish has created a culture of constant consumption, accumulation and exploitation.
Regrowth explores the Degrowth countertrend, a movement advocating for reduced consumption and unlearning as pathways to progress. This trend research analyses insights and slow shifts, while exploring the diverse emotions that Degrowth evokes.
Using a fashion editorial aesthetic to camouflage the sustainability discourse, this video installation navigates the spectrum between the mixed feelings of dystopia and hope surrounding Degrowth, translating them into an action for optimism.
As a project curated by a designer and activist, Regrowth represents an empathic manifesto that wants to shape a theoretical topic into a wish for a blooming world: ‘Degrowth is Regrowth’. The workwear represents an optimistic view, a metaphor for ‘putting yourself into someone else’s shoes’, while the immersive video installation traces a mindset shift from dystopic to wishful.

How can design make Degrowth tangible and empower people towards an optimistic view?

In the Capitalocene, the relentless pursuit of economic growth has shaped a society fixated on perpetual consumption, accumulating wealth, and constantly exploiting natural resources.
Amid feelings of hopelessness, Degrowth emerges as a movement offering an alternative narrative on consumption and lifestyle, focusing on the idea of scaling back consumption and unlearning harmful habits as a means of progress. Through trend research and analysis, the project explores the slow shifts and emotional complexities associated with embracing Degrowth principles.
Regrowth envisions a world where systems are designed to prioritize well-being and environmental health, calling for a collective shift towards a future rooted in interspecies collaboration, caring and contentment.
Using a fashion editorial aesthetic to camouflage the sustainability discourse, the video installation navigates the spectrum between hope and dystopia surrounding Degrowth, translating these feelings into actions for optimism.
Curated by a designer and activist, Regrowth serves as an empathic manifesto for a desirable future. To truly appreciate the transformative potential of Degrowth, one must fully immerse themselves in its ethos. The workwear is a metaphor for "putting oneself in someone else's shoes,” encouraging people to shift from a pessimistic view of Degrowth to a new happiness. The personalities of the video represent every one of us: the hopeful fighters, the hopeless skeptics, the dreamy utopists, and the destructive dystopians.
The action takes the form of a culture jamming, spreading the message in the streets and hacking various aspects of daily life where Degrowth can be applied. From mobility to food to fashion consumption, the editorial aesthetic captures the attention of even the most uninterested.
Regrowth aims to inspire individuals to rethink their daily habits through emotions and atmospheres, offering a glimpse of a new optimistic perspective on a recession by design.